
Vida Spiritual Learning Center, Inc. is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering life learners to reveal and experience their best life through spiritual education and practice.

Our work is to enrich life on an individual and global scale by teaching life-affirming practices and philosophies. We do this because we see a world where everyone lives in accordance with their highest spiritual principle, valuing unity and connection with others; a world where we are all called to a deeper level of consciousness and responsible action, both individually and collectively. We value peace, equanimity, freedom, spirituality and science.

Long Beach Gives!

Vida thanks the South Coast Chorale for sponsoring us as a collaborative partner to participate in this year’s “Long Beach Gives!” Campaign!

“Long Beach Gives!” is a city-wide, online, peer-to-peer FUNdraising Campaign which launches on Thursday, September 15th, and runs through Thursday, September 22nd. Now in its fourth year, “Long Beach Gives” has provided hundreds of Long Beach nonprofits with a platform and training assistance to raise funds for their respective organizations!

Click below to reach Vida’s unique Donations Page – Giving is now LIVE through Thursday, September 22nd!

Vida Spiritual Connection

premiers every Sunday at 9:00 am on YouTube and Facebook

Tune in to a new inspirational message and meditation.

Weekly Inspirational Messages
beginning at 9:00am

You are invited to experience the fullness of life by simply engaging in our interactive gathering, where together we learn, share and are reminded of our spiritual truth. Use the button below to join us live on Sundays at 9:00 am PST.

By valuing and empowering all,
we inspire a fulfilling and joyous life!


Through spiritual education and practice, we empower and inspire life learners to reveal and experience their best life.


Humanity living its divinity.


Learn to live.

Make a Donation with Online Giving

Our Center is a non-profit organization that functions solely by the generous tithes, gifts and donations from our members and friends. Make a one-time donation, or create an automatic weekly/monthly tithe.

vida prayer requests home page

Prayer Requests

Affirmative Prayer is one of the most powerful practices we teach. It can be used at any time of our lives, and even when things are flowing well. Prayer will keep you in alignment with your greatest good.

Please know that your requests are completely confidential and that our ministers and practitioners pray over your requests in the coming days and weeks.

Spiritual Learning Center

Our services are provided in-person, virtual and self-paced. We offer certificated classes, enrichment courses, group and individual coaching, and support circles. Our fee-free offerings include a weekly inspirational message and guided meditation.

home page - giving as spiritual practice

Giving as
Spiritual Practice

Abundance flows in my life. I am blessed with prosperity. I give with generosity – YES! I tithe on faith, belief and with a consciousness of love. My gift is a Divine circulation through me that now benefits and grows our spiritual community and beyond. 

And so it is.

Join Our Mailing List

Receive news on events, classes, groups, and inspiring messages.


There is a spiritual and profound process that gently shifts our consciousness towards a new way of living.


1524 East Hellman Street
Long Beach, Ca 90813
Phone: (562) 928-6460
Email: Rev. Sunshine Daye


> Upcoming Classes
> Inspirational Talks
> Prayer Requests
> Make a Donation

© 2022 Vida Spiritual Learning Center | All Rights Reserved.